It all started with a guy showing off his 50-day streak of pushing-ups with James Clear’s Habit Tracker1.
I just finished 50 straight days of starting each day with pushups and stretching. I used a trick from Atomic Habits to visually reinforce my goal and help the new habit stick.
— Peter Robbins (@gatortakes) March 18, 2020
Each day I moved a penny to the done jar. Nailed it. Didn’t miss a single day.
Thanks @JamesClear
I was a bit motivated and would like to go to the gym. But they were closed due to the virus.
So I just started with what I had.
A set of puzzle floor mat that I bought several years ago.
The workout was light. They were just pushing-ups, leg-lifting, abs, etc.2 Once I finished, I would toss a coin into the Exercise cup. If I skipped it, the coin would go to the other one.
My home-made habit trackers
Result 🔗
In the preceding days, I nailed 27 out of 32. For the other 5, they were never consequent, as James Clear suggests not skip in a row.
Summary 🔗
- You don’t need gyms to exercise.
- Trying the habit tracker would be the most brilliant decision you’ve ever made.
- This quarantine is an opportunity for building habits. Every day is identical and there is no foreign disturbance.
Grab the chance and build habits.
I then bought James Clear’s Atomic Habits. The book is so actionable that you can take it as a manual reference for building habits. Highly recommended. ↩︎
I referred to this video. ↩︎