How I Managed to Exercise for (Almost) One Month

· 261 words · 2 minute read

It all started with a guy showing off his 50-day streak of pushing-ups with James Clear’s Habit Tracker1.

I was a bit motivated and would like to go to the gym. But they were closed due to the virus.

So I just started with what I had.

A set of puzzle floor mat that I bought several years ago.

The workout was light. They were just pushing-ups, leg-lifting, abs, etc.2 Once I finished, I would toss a coin into the Exercise cup. If I skipped it, the coin would go to the other one.

My home-made habit trackers

Result 🔗

In the preceding days, I nailed 27 out of 32. For the other 5, they were never consequent, as James Clear suggests not skip in a row.

Summary 🔗

  1. You don’t need gyms to exercise.
  2. Trying the habit tracker would be the most brilliant decision you’ve ever made.
  3. This quarantine is an opportunity for building habits. Every day is identical and there is no foreign disturbance.

Grab the chance and build habits.

  1. I then bought James Clear’s Atomic Habits. The book is so actionable that you can take it as a manual reference for building habits. Highly recommended. ↩︎

  2. I referred to this video↩︎