On Note-Taking Softwares

· 423 words · 2 minute read

A junior of mine once asked whether I take notes when doing researches, to which I replied

“Of course I do, and you will have to, if you want to keep your sanity.”

I followed up the answer with remarks, which other juniors may find interesting, hence this article.

First, Markdown is a good thing to learn. It’s simple and is supported by many editors, one of which may suit you.

To name a few, there are

  • Ulysses for those who likes to set goals and customise things,
  • Bear for those who hates Evernote but wants something similar and finally
  • iA Writer for those who likes Bear but prefers one-time payment1.

On Notion 🔗

I’ve noticed people start taking notes in Notion, which I had tried for several months before giving up. The blocks were cool and all, but I just want to flush out my thoughts and assign simple structure to them. No need for blocks within blocks within another giant block!

Quick-and-Dirty Example for Markdown Syntax 🔗

You may look at the source code of this article.23

# On Note-Taking Softwares

A junior of mine once asked whether I take notes when doing researches, to which I replied 

> "Of course I do, and you will have to, if you want to keep your sanity."

I followed up the answer with remarks, which other juniors may find interesting, hence this article.

First, [Markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax) is a good thing to learn. It's simple and is supported by many editors, one of which may suit you.

To name a few, there are

* Ulysses for those who likes to set goals and customise things,
* Bear for those who hates Evernote but wants something similar and finally
* iA Writer for those who prefers one-time payment[^footnote].

[^footnote]: Myself included.

## On Notion

I've noticed people start taking notes in Notion, which I had tried for several months before giving up. The blocks were cool and all, but I just want to flush out my thoughts and assign simple structure to them. No need for _**blocks within blocks within another giant block!**_

## Quick-and-Dirty Example for Markdown Syntax

You may look at the source code of this article.[^more-features][^compile]

[^more-features]: You can add images and tables; I rarely do that, though.

[^compile]: If you want to convert your `.md` files into PDF, check out [pandoc](https://pandoc.org).

# On Note-Taking Softwares

  1. Myself included. ↩︎

  2. You can add images and tables; I rarely do that, though. ↩︎

  3. If you want to convert your .md files into PDF, check out pandoc↩︎